Weeknight Pasta

I feel like people way too often slander pasta as a food that is unhealthy. I say it’s about how you eat it–pasta can be a part of any well-balanced meal. This weeknight pasta dish is proof. I used a higher protein and lower-carb pasta from Camp, the company I partnered with for the video of this dish; I must say, they gained a new fan. I vaguely coined this “Weeknight Pasta” because it’s more of a template than an actual dish. Feel free to use any kind of protein or veggie for this dish, anything would work. A great hack I used was blended silken tofu to thicken the sauce while also adding an element of creaminess. It was my first time doing so and I loved it–I’d compare it to using ricotta, but it’s lower calorie and higher protein. Feel free to substitute or add anything to this!


Serves 2

  • Protein + seasonings of choice
  • Veggie(s) of choice
  • 1/2 medium onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 3 heaping tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1/2 block silken tofu
  • Basil for garnish
  • 3 oz. pasta of choice
  • Set a pot of water over high heat to boil. Once boiling, salt and add pasta. Cook for 1-2 minutes less than package instructions and save 1/4 of pasta water.
  • Season protein of choice and cook, remove when fully cooked.
  • While waiting for water to boil/pasta/protein to cook, prep onion, garlic, and veg for the sauce. Blend silken tofu into a liquid consistency.
  • Over medium-high heat, add veg, onion, and garlic. Cook for a few minutes, then add the sun-dried tomatoes. After another minute, add tomato paste. Cook for another two minutes, then add blended tofu.
  • Add 1/4 of the starchy pasta water and the pasta to the sauce. Combine and stir for 1-2 minutes until fully incorporated and sauce is sticking to the pasta.
  • Plate pasta, add the protein on top and garnish with basil.

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